Washing your hands destroys the weak fatty membrane called the lipid bilayer that can be destroyed with soap making the virus inactive. You can using rubbing alcohol and other things but soap is the most effective. The CDC says you should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Here are some things to do while washing hands:

Rub all over your hands and don’t forget to get in between your fingers, the back of your hand, and your thumbs.

Sort of scratch the palms of your hands with your nails as if your palms are itchy(scratch with your thumbs too). This helps get the soap under your nails. The easiest way to keep your nails clean is to trim them so they stay short.

Also make sure to stay at least 6 feet away from other people because COVID-19 can only travel about 6 feet through the air. :)

Don’t forget: It’s not just the flu and as always DFTBA!